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Keep up to date with all JS Group News and ongoing projects here.

Deployment of New Ferric Iron Filtration System

March 16, 2017

The last few weeks saw the deployment of our new mobile Ferric Iron Fe(III) groundwater filtration system. A robust and mobile solution to the widespread problem of ferric iron build up especially in the larger diameter production wells throughout Ireland, JS Remediation's system works in conjunction with our powerful well vacuum unit to clear any well >50mm to a depth of 60 metres. Thanks to the three-stage process extracted well water, high in turbidity with insoluble iron particulates, can see a 95 - 100% removal of these at the outflow point.

JS Group at the 2016 IAH Conference in Tullamore

April 17, 2016

Last week JS Group made the annual trip to Tullamore Court Hotel to take part in The 36th International Association of Hydrogeologists - Irish Group, conference 2016. Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, the IAH brings together individuals from professional backgrounds ranging from academic to state agencies to private consultancies with an interest in the promotion and development of the science and engineering of groundwater issues. JS Group is proud to contribute to the 2015-2016 consultant student bursaries administered by the IAH. It has become an annual trip for us and we have a stall at the event every year. It is always enjoyable to connect with old friends and colleagues and attend the lectures provided by top academics and industry experts.


For any information in relation to the investigation & remediation of contaminated ground water as well as remediations systems design support and hire don't hesitate to contact us.

JS Group Website Launch

January 27, 2016

JS Drilling and JS Remediation are proud to announce the launch of a new website under the combined banner of JS Group. JS Group is a new collective venture by the two companies. Nothing for our customers will change and we will continue to deliver top quality drilling and remediation services as we always have. The name may be changing but our commitment to be the best in our sector never will.

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